Exactly. In a "liberty as means" government as social contract, there are several cases where it would be best to enact restrictions on personal freedom. I would say that the instances where personal fredom should be restricted will have a naturally high rate (much greater than a simple majority) of support in each location, and as Manzi points out would be seen as a win-win trade-off as opposed to tyranny. Higher levels of authority are brought in to subsidize local efforts and define boundaries only as needed, and again, the consensus should be overwhelming.Liberty-as-means libertarianism sees the world in an evolutionary framework: societies evolve rules, norms, laws and so forth in order to adapt and survive in a complex and changing external environment. At a high level of abstraction, internal freedoms are necessary so that the society can learn (which requires trial-and-error learning because the external reality is believed to be too complex to be fully comprehended by any existing theory) and adapt (which is important because the external reality is changing). We need liberty, therefore, because we are so ignorant of what works in practical, material terms. But this raises what I think of as the paradox of libertarianism, or more precisely, the paradox of liberty-as-means libertarianism.
Start with a practical question: should prostitution be legal? The canonical libertarian position is that this is a consensual act between adults, and should be legal. The liberty-as-means position is far more tentative. We don’t know the overall effects of legalized prostitution. Some people have the theory that it will make people happier, provide incomes and stabilize marriages. Others think it will lead to personal degradation, female victimization and societal collapse. It is very hard to know which theory is right, or if there is only one right answer as opposed to different best answers for different social contexts, or if the relative predictive accuracy of various theories will change over time as the environment changes. What the liberty-as-means libertarian calls for is the freedom to experiment: let different localities try different things, and learn from this experience. In the best case this is literally consciousness learning from structured experiments, and in the weaker case it is only metaphorical learning, in that the localities with more adaptive sets of such rules will tend to win out in evolutionary competition over time.
This leads then to a call for “states as laboratories of democracy” federalism in matters of social policy; or in a more formal sense, a call for subsidiarity – the principle that matters ought to be handled by the smallest competent authority. After all, a typical American lives in a state that is a huge political entity governing millions of people. As many decisions as possible ought to be made by counties, towns, neighborhoods and families (in which parents have significant coercive rights over children). In this way, not only can different preferences be met, but we can learn from experience how various social arrangements perform.
The characteristic error of contemporary conservatives in this regard has been a want of prudential judgment in trying to enforce too many social norms on a national basis. The characteristic error of liberty-as-goal libertarianism has been the parallel failure to appreciate that a national rule of “no restrictions on non-coercive behavior” (which, admittedly, is something of a cartoon) contravenes a primary rationale for libertarianism. What if social conservatives are right and the wheels really will come off society in the long run if we don’t legally restrict various sexual behaviors? What if left-wing economists are right and it is better to have aggressive zoning laws that prohibit big-box retailers? I think both are mistaken, but I might be wrong. What if I’m right for some people at this moment in time, but wrong for others, or wrong the same people ten years from now? The freedom to experiment needs to include freedom to experiment with different governmental (i.e., coercive) rules. So here we have the paradox: a liberty-as-means libertarian ought to argue, in some cases, for local autonomy to restrict some personal freedoms.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Manzi on Libertarianism
In a guest post on The Daily Dish, Jim Manzi explores the paradox of libertarianism in a way I have never seen it before, but it turns out to pin-point exactly what I have been struggling to say, that I am a "liberty as means" libertarian:
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Jim Manzi is my homeboy AND one of the wicked smartest peoples on the planet.
I recently starting reading his stuff on American Scene. What I know of him, I like.
Justus, I like the post, and didn't really have anything significant to say or argue. I like the idea of governing from the local level out instead of the other way around.
I did decide to take one solitary line (certainly not Manzi's key point) and say I find it ludicrous. About prostitution: "Some people have the theory that it will make people happier, provide incomes and stabilize marriages. " Stabilize Marriages?? Give me a break. Make people happier? I would wager a lot of money that if you survey prostitutes and their customers neither are finding any happiness. Temporary satisfaction of lust, yes. Happiness, no. Provide incomes? Well, it already does that, they would just have to pay taxes on it if it was made legal. Pimpin' ain't easy, and I doubt they want Uncle Sam involved. Legalize prositution? Maybe, but not based on that reasoning.
Speaking of incomes, next time legalizing drugs or prostitution comes up, I'd be interested in an argument about how taxes affect the situation. I'm guessing most drug dealers are not going to be keen on having the government regulate their "business", and are likely to keep doing what they are doing below the radar of the law - i.e. illegally. Actually, it would probably just get a different set of businessmen, just as happened with alcohol. We'd then have ballparks and Super Bowl commercials sponsored by cocaine and hookers (well after 10:00 anyway). The drug dealers would likely find some other arena to function outside of the law to continue their way of life. Excuse my tangent.
So there is my take one little thing out of the entire blog and attack it post followed by a rabbit trail.
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